The company:

We have the best job in the world!

We help people finding jobs and companies upgrading their profit.
How? Our offshore outsourcing solutions help you to remain in business and stay competitive. With our BPO services, your business can secure its place in the market. You will gain a competitive edge that will differentiate you from your competitors.
We increase your business savings by as much as 60% without compromising the quality of the services you deliver to your clients.
help business leaders building successful new partnerships and implement strategies for existing firms.
Besides the assistance of establishment, we offer clients complete service in the area of accounting, handling the personnel, payroll and administrative services. We offer to our clients advices on economic and legal area.
Our services include Information and contacts in local and national institutions; Advise throughout the decision-making process; Identify investment opportunities, business partners and premises; simplification of administrative proceedings;

Our work involves synthesizing the many factors that influence the success, improves overall profitability, reduce the time it takes to achieve market sustainability and reduce investment risk.

Establishing your office in Portugal is a choice that will make you a more profitable company. Focus in growing your business that we take care of your operation.

Our Main Services
Research of offices for the company
Registration in the required and mandatory entities
Registration in the Tax office; Social Security
Assistance in opening Bank accounts
Processing of rent, leasing, insurances, and utilities contracts
Other administrative operations
Translation / Interpreting
Active assistance on meetings